To be honest, we all dream of being rich. We wish each other for all the holidays and do our best to bring it closer together. Someone is helped by visualizing a certain dream, for example a house by the sea. Someone turns to talismans for help. And the most logical thing, in our opinion, is to attract money with money. Therefore, today we will talk about coin-shaped amulets.
The meaning of the amulet in the form of a coin
The money mascot is obviously supposed to attract wealth. One of the most popular is the Tibetan amulet coin, around which many legends and traditions are entwined. It is believed that one of the monks gave the talisman to the ruler and spoke of successes in state affairs. Since then, they have spoken their own coin for each representative of the ruling dynasty in order to protect them. During the revolution, conspiracies and prayers were lost. It is not known if coins speak the same words today, but they believe in their power and carry it with them. Some are so lucky to find a coin from that time.

The imperial coin (the Tibetan amulet coin also bears this name) usually has a hole in the middle. An amulet coin for good fortune and fortune can help when you run into financial difficulties, such as a business discord or loss of your job. Esotericists in particular are advised to look at the talisman for those who are regularly followed by failures. Even if you simply do not feel the necessary efficiency and diligence in you (not because you are lazy, but because you are tired or discouraged), the coin amulet for attracting money reminds you that you have to gather strength and help you will find it.
It doesn't all have to be bad to use the talisman. It is enough to wish for wealth, to strive for it and to believe that the amulet will help you. So the coin can help you negotiate a raise with your bosses or lead you to a big, profitable project that you have long dreamed of. Some suspicious people, who endow their talismans with amazing properties, tell stories of how a simple coin with a hole in the middle helped them completely change their field of activity and thereby become rich. After all, it is not for nothing that it is said that the craft and the job that you like yourself bring in more money.
How to make an amulet coin to attract money with your own hands
Making a talisman out of a coin with your own hands is problematic - for obvious reasons. In addition, as explained above, in order for it to bring you luck, you cannot take a monetary unit. It is best to order an amulet made from a royal coin from people who are involved in the manufacture of talismans. You will talk to them and set them up to bring wealth into your home. If possible try to find out where they get the coins from, read the reviews, maybe you really agree with them to check if the talisman they are trying to sell you is from the same period. If you are sold a "dummy", anything bad is unlikely to happen, but I want the item you purchased to be useful and enjoyable.

How to charge a money amulet
As with any amulet, it is important to constantly interact with the imperial coin. Carry it with you, preferably in a special case. If you do not want to take it all the time or if you feel uncomfortable with it, try at least more often to hold the amulet in your hands, breathe, warm up and "exchange energy".
The main thing, when you do this, let go of all thoughts and focus only on what you want in terms of wealth. Think positively, as if everything were already true, formulate specific goals: "I want to get rich" is a wish that is too lean. It is better to "ask" about a specific house or even a certain amount in the account. If you trust talismans, you probably know that the more clearly you formulate your wishes, the faster your wishes will come true.
The first night after the amulet is in your hands, put it under your pillow. It is better not to show anyone, including relatives, not to talk about it. Let this little helper belong only to you and nobody else. In addition, do not let anyone hold it in their hands or give it away! It is generally accepted that in this way the amulet loses its magical properties.

We do not recommend wearing it so that it is visible. If you plan to use the coin as a pendant, make sure that it is invisible.
The main thing is to believe that the amulet coin will help you, but at the same time not just rely on it. Think of it as a helper, not some kind of universal tool for enrichment. Unfortunately (or fortunately), nothing works without your efforts.