Everyone wants to be lucky and rich to have to depend on anybody. Wealth opens many doors for you, brings confidence. For this, all means are good, is not banned by law and morality. The main thing in the obtaining of wealth stamina and diligence, but sometimes something interferes with that missing happiness. For your recovery at all times and in all cultures, there were special signs, rituals, and talismans. The largest force have made amulets with his own hands. Don't tell: how to the right way to deal with the finances, so they went out and how to get to the right amulets to money.
The Term Amulet
The modern Interpretation of the values remain, as they have changed over time. The amulet, according to the dictionary — object, body-portable, with magical properties against diseases, misfortune and attracts luck. Synonymous Mascot. While my values do not match. Amulet – specially manufactured thing, and the mascot can be a each object, which for the host is of particular importance. Not to be confused, we will apply to have a single meaning.
Amulets for money and terms and conditions of use

Whose countable number and the list will be dependent on the Religion and culture interest of the country. In Ireland – Shamrock-clover in China – toad, in the Slavic culture, spoon, shield-fern flower, and other. Now a couple of the boundaries of countries and cultures are not blurred, so no shame in using native mascots. The question: what mascot to choose? You will find tips on how to work with his own hands the amulet, and offers a ready-made amulet to buy, apply the sign according to the sign of the zodiac. Clear advice, no one. You turn to the magician – he advises the mascot to do in the situation and has verified, the old wise people come from, in my experience, but that does not mean that the amulet fits you best. In fact, the choice of the mascot is to stick to the rules:
- Mascot of the Religion that is closest to choose to not arise contradictions;
- Listen to your Intuition. Disable the common sense to listen to reason and inner voice. You are with yourself, keeping in mind the thoughts about happiness. The image itself;
- With Intuition, you are simply looking for the amulet on the Internet Shop and you can stop the choice on their favorite. It is one of the most important rules of mascot should to soul. I want him to touch, caress, and admire. Such a find – then it will work. Monetary symbolism should be considered. Maybe it will be clear only to you, but a question of money and success, you must keep in mind in the selection;
- There is an opinion that the most powerful amulet – produced with their own hands. The truth is, but do not forget that every thing is in good faith, with bright thoughts. Don't want to or can't – do not force yourself;
- You take the gift amulets. in the case of full confidence in the good intentions of the people The mascot of salt to clean. We can not accept as a gift an empty bowl, an empty purse, an empty moneybox. These items are first programmed so that the poverty;
- In the recovery of money can help, the color red. Thread, Garment Accessories, Decoration To Apply. Can't decide with amulet – buy the red letter bag;
- Effective Talisman can be a decoration. Choose jewelry and not jewelry. You Use The Currency Symbol.
If you have the amulet, then you need to determine a place for him. Depending on the kind of mascot. Jewelry you wear to clean from time to time. Small figurines, statuettes, carry in the purse or in the inside of the bags. The great figures in the house. The location you choose. In the right place mascot, the eye does not cut, and looks organic, therefore, they move the thing. Amulets Feng Shui according to the philosophy in the area of money.
In the matter of financial health, not the last role the setting plays in Finance. No amulet will not help, if you follow these rules a respectful behavior for the money:
- It does not crease money, not spoons where it is necessary. Space for money – purse. Piggy Bank, Box fit, if you hoard them there, and just not put, because not where to go. Carry the wallet in the bag and do not invite them to the table;
- Use large red or Golden purse;
- The money not folded in an extended Form in the whole length, in the center, four times;
- Remove from the wallet all too much: notes, receipts, Tickets. Regarding the photos, many of them here, but don't do this. In the wallet, only Bank store cards. Discounts, business cards, deletions and remove them to relocate in a particular case;
- If the purse ripped, throw;
- The money like the invoice. At regular intervals, counting of cash;
- The banknotes and coins stored together. You should clean up and in my wallet and piggy Bank;
- Money win money. Do not waste all to zero, even if arrive expected. They always maintain a large bill, can't swap, but better two, in order to bred.
The order in the things and the life – the pledge of success and tranquility.
Runes as a good luck charm
Each RUNE, once part of the literature, has now a special meaning and magical effect. For attraction of money the following characters:
- As a synonym for wealth. Superior RUNE of the question of the financial health. Also, you realize that gives the people power to all the ideas and reach all your goals.
- Hyères. Symbol of the reward for the work. Hard work brings wealth.
- Otal. Means Ownership. It helps you get the support of influential persons, which were already once in your life.
- Dagaz. Means Prosperity, Perspectives, Possibilities. If an important thing, the elevation, then use it. There is a positive result.
Apply runes can independently and in any combination, depending on the importance of warding. You can buy ready-made, you can self-apply, but keep in mind, that die counts, they work on plastic. They Use Natural Materials. If you apply yourself, then you use natural colors, preferably ochre. On the metal runes. A lucky charm always to keep at the tavern, good luck and wealth to attract.
Figures of animals and insects

Let us recall the most commonly used as talismans to attract money:
- Trokhpalaya Toad. Mascot came from Feng Shui and, therefore, the rules are applied. A toad has to keep the coin in the mouth, it has to be removed. For larger actions, the positioning in the vicinity of a source of water: fountain, Aquarium, must toad the image fits with the representation of water or wiping the toad every day with a wet;
- Elephant (with trunk up). Nice as a pendant, but also the figure in the shape of an elephant property, plant and looks useful;
- Turtle. A Chinese Symbol. The rules for the application such as the Toad;
- Hummel. Connected with him rite. The first Hummel must be alive to catch and lock in the wallet. The body of the insect is not based to throw away. The custom of cruel and requires a certain skill. Replacement Insect Figure. It hits glass, jewelry, crafted by the hands of a thread. It does not matter, it is necessary that you are always in the wallet.
The largest effect metals, charms of precious or simply a Golden color.
Nerazmennyye Outtakes
It is not necessarily the ticket. The coin is also nice. Question only in номинале. The higher the bills would be, the better. If desired, can be applied, foreign money, or anniversary. For more efficiency you keep them in a separate pocket of the purse and not tell anyone. If you are presented a purse with money, then leave the content as Nerazmennogo.
Variation of the previous amulet. You Wear Your Good-Luck Charm. Does not fit in the purse — sewing for stone pouch and store it in a bag. Necessary, the stone was valuable or Semi-precious. Buy faceted stones, with energy removed. Ideal Nugget to find independently. Some claim that the most effective emerald. Probably because of the green color, but for yourself, choose the one you like and Lau in the hands.
Amulet to win money with their hands
The lucky charm of its owner, collects, takes over a part of the energy. The amulet begins to work quickly and reliably, good luck in financial matters will help in the question. Here are just a few of the most popular types. You can choose what you want.
Imperial Coin
In fact, – coin with conspiracy theories. The history dates back to the first Russian Emperor Peter Alekseevich Romanov. Monk Trinity-Sergius spoke for him, the Royal mint, after spending the night in prayer. Since then, the Emperor made a lot of things, good luck to him. This amulet is a wish become a for each, this applies not only to simple people but also the rulers who were, in those days, behind in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. You make a similar amulet, each according to the rules:
- Choose a suitable coin. Tips you get it on the road, but it's not worth it. Money in many rites, culminating выбрасыванием money. Where is the guarantee that you will not have such, with a strange negative. Not for nothing about the found money to say: "to lose More than to find". We will advise you, take this anniversary year coin, antique, jewelry, although fit.
- Wait until midnight of a full moon.
- You put a coin on a piece of red fabric.
- You wrap the thread green.
- Read the conspiracy to prosperity and financial gains. Uniform text. As in any other conspiracy, or prayer – words must go from the soul. Tell you about the problems, desires, dreams, and perspectives.
- You hide the amulet in a secluded place.
Give amulet of power helps to believe in him.
Magic Cord
This amulet is called in to money and happiness. Made it so:
- You can take natural sewing thread, green, red, yellow or blue, which symbolize, respectively, wealth, love, health, implementation of the objectives. You can use them individually or together, depending on the desired areas.
- Weaving a bracelet from them. You can be in the Form of braids, but you can make something beautiful. With the right ability, can represent characters, symbols. Preferably, work at the full moon.
- At the time of weaving to visualize desire. Remember that the brighter the image, the faster the dream will come true. Try to imagine, how much Detail, your feelings, actions, reactions, love.
- Put on the ankle of the left leg and wait for the luck that helps you a dream be realized.
Cash cord is well with not only the magical point of view, but also psychological. The lichen helps to focus on the object of desires, to calm the disassemble way of achieving the goal in stages.
A small bag with herbs
They have as a mascot. Among other things, the Cash bags can soothe smell of herbs and a pleasant tactile contact. Besides the grasses there are different things depending on the tasks. Rules for the creation of Cash-mascots are as follows:
- Cash-fabric color: yellow, green, Gold, silver apply.
- You visualize the goal. Imagine what you spend sudden wealth, the emotions, the Situation down to the smallest Detail.
- Fill in all of the associate wealth: magnetic, money, beads, stones. According to a popular opinion, wealth of bird of promise springs. From plants, use mint, sage, ginger, maple, acorns, oak leaves and bark, Jasmine, rosemary.
- You can tie the neck with a red thread, woven into a braid to hide, and to a secret location.
You should not tell anyone about him and to show.

It is not a personal amulet, and Home. It should bring happiness to all people living in the apartment. The rules of production are as follows:
- You apply the green thread and a coin.
- The coin you wrap the thread like a cocoon.
- Fasten the ends.
- You can hang the amulet over the front door.
In General, in terms of amulet or rite, its efficacy depends on the faith of the people. Maybe magic is in everything, no, but the owner, believing in you, and you do not feel safe, while the difficulties of giving up, and not fall into discouragement. You are programming yourself to happiness – an effective psychological technique, and things in this play a prominent role, as well as the rites.